Hi all,
Due an update so here goes. Winter down under has been a slog for many. I think most living in NZ are pretty keen for the land to dry out and the rain to easy back.
I have been out documenting some of the worst mud run-off sites in Auckland that are impacting our Hauraki Gulf. Culprits? Property developments and motorway construction.
Its of major concern, especially because we know sediment is one of the main reasons this marine ecosystem is collapsing. We are talking thousands of tonnes per average rain events.
Here are some teaser frames:
...Lots of mud choking up streams and to ocean. Expect morew on this soon!
It has been great condition for planting trees! Not so much for tackling weeds.
Here is a 2min video of a successful restoration project I have helped drive over the years.
Massive thank you to my patreons that help support me to do the work I do.
Hope to update you with some wins soon!
Best wishes
Geoff Reid
p.s. Here's a fun vid for raising awareness about cats