We did it, all plans to dredge the seabed and build seawalls for a marina opposite the waterfront of Paihia, Bay of Islands have finally been dropped by the council.
Big thank you to everyone who got in behind this campaign to pressure the council to do the right thing.
Stopping the tidal flow with sea walls and dredging up the seafloor is environmental vandalism. It would have created unforeseen negative consequences .e.g. the erosion of many Bay of Island beaches, sedimentation to the seabed and impacts to endangered dotterels and other shorebirds nesting locally.
The Far North District Council failed to consult with the community in the first place. It was an ill conceived idea and all they saw were dollar signs. Lets hope these greedy men and their cronies think twice about spending public money for such harmful projects ($13.83 million combined from central government and the council)
Councillors say the reason for throwing out the project was due to the price of inflation for building supplies making it non feasible. We all know public pressure over the last 15 years has worked here so please take this as a MASSIVE WIN!
Here is a video that helped bring the issue to light, boost our petition and pressure the council:
Let us all stay vigilant in protecting our shared natural spaces.
This wouldn't have been possible without your support.
Thank You Thank You Thank You!
Geoff Reid
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