When will New Zealand dairy farmers learn?
This Southland dairy farmer has decided to trash a public waterway...
He's forcing his cows into mud and misery. Break-feeding along a drain & loading up the nearest stream with mud and sewage.
Pleased don't be fooled by the greenwashing & lies of the industry.
This reckless and disgusting practice is the kind of behaviour that will cost us our export markets. LolThese are the guys that fight back against freshwater regulations. Any clues why?
They pump the land with agrochemicals, load nitrates into our ground water, spill valuable topsoil into our rivers, lakes and estuaries, create toxic algal blooms all while keeping many animals in horrible conditions.
AND THEN.... when they get called out by concerned members of the public they milk the mental health card.These polluting Mud Farmers know they are in the wrong and HATE being shown up about it.
Right after taking this these photos the Southland mud farmer chased us in his ute. The industry cares far more about bad publicity than bad practice.
It will also be interesting to see if the useless and discredited 'Environment Southland' (the local Regional Council which is run by farmers) does anything about, yet another of, in-your-face mud farming problems.
Let us see an end to Mud Farming!
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